Friday, April 4, 2008

Friday Night - A Josiah Update

Hello All

Things are coming along! Today Josiah had his first 'van ride' - a trip around the hospital parking lot! The car seat has been fitted and been given a 'thumbs up' by the OT department and we've been given approval to take Josiah off hospital property in our own vehicle (only 13+ months in the making, mind you!) It hasn't really sunk in yet ...

Other things: Josiah seems be avoiding his 'apnea moments' for the time being as he's been great for his sleeps and naps, not needing a back-up rate at all to keep him breathing through the night. Josiah is officially just on 'room air' (no extra oxygen), even when he's out and about beyond the hospital room - so amazing!!! (we'll continue to take oxygen with us just in case)

Josiah is popping teeth like crazy: he's got 4 top teeth slowly working their way in to join the three bottom teeth he already has. And he has a molar that is having the hardest time coming in, all blistered for the last 4 weeks. Josiah is also on full oral feeds right now! During the day he takes all his food by bottle, and remains g-tube fed at night but that will probably change as we increase his daytime food and decrease his food while he sleeps.

More good news: Josiah's head circumference seems to be on a downward trend - Wahoo! That noggin doesn't need to get any bigger ... This Tuesday Josiah will go in to the OR to get his one ear tube checked: it may possibly be replaced so pray that the doctors know what is best. Oh, and Josiah hears fine in both ears (finally had his other ear tested). Both ears have difficulty hearing sounds on the low spectrum, implying that he probably has some fluid built up in his ears - no biggie, we'll take it!

Marie and I are house-hunting since Josiah will most likely be coming home at the end of the month (wow). Not the easiest thing to do with Josiah's needs and all, but we may have found something in town which we have to decide on tonight. We continue to have lots of meetings and appointments, and this month seems like it's going to be absolutely chaotic!

Thanks for all your continued prayers. We ask that you continue to pray for Josiah's safety and health, and that we'll have a smooth transition from hospital to home!

Joyfully & Expectantly
- Andrew, Marie & Josiah


kari dueck said...

So thrilled to hear of the van ride in the parking lot, that is so sweet!!

Tara said...

oh wow! It must be so unreal to know that Josiah will be at home soon! We're excited for you! We love you guys alot, have a great weekend:)

sue baby said...

Unbeleivable! thanks You God!