Josiah on January 28th ... chillaxin'
Josiah on February 8th ... ready to roll
The Family on February 16th ... heading to his b-day party!
Josiah & Mommy on February 16th ... Josiah wasn't as surprised as mom ;)
Josiah & Daddy on February 16th ... a little tuckered out
The Family on February 23rd ... a typical stop @ S'bucks
We haven't been taking as many pictures (typical right?!) but here are a few from the last couple months. Enjoy!
- Andrew, Marie & Josiah
Hi Marie, Andrew & Josiah,
It's so awesome to read about all the positive and exciting news happening in your lives!! Thanks for posting some pictures too - it's great to see all of you so happy! We're excited for you that Josiah is able to get out of TCU now and again and enjoy life in a different setting. Homeward bound at the end of the month - that's fantastic!! All the best with the house hunting. Sending love and hugs your way.
Love Erin, Tim & Emily :)
This is the kind of news we have been hoping and praying for!! Thank you Lord! It is wonderful to see these photos and to realize how far Josiah has come. We will continue praying that everything will work out according to schedule and that you will find the perfect home.
Love, Ross & Bev J.
Oh I'm so glad to hear all the good news. Josiah coming home, the van's all ready to go, and seeing all these pictures was very nice! I'm glad you were able to find a new place that will be better for you all.
Love the pictures. Am continuing to pray. Blessings to you all.
This is a pretty exciting time for your family - almost home!!! Thanks for the photos - Josiah is a looking great (so are his parents). Prayers and blessings as you continue to make headway to home.
hey bro. loved the pics. im stoked to hopefully visit josiah soon at home. happy home shopping..
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