Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday Afternoon - A Josiah Update

Finally! Something is posted!

OK, you can all imagine how much stuff I could write here to bring you all up to speed on how we've been doing and enjoying having Josiah home with us ... 15 months in the making! I'm not sure how long this entry is going to ramble on or what shape it will take, but bear with me as I shed some light on the month so far.

May 1st - we moved into our new condo with the help of so many friends from our church and family as well. Bless you all! We had a team of ladies cleaning up our new place and assisting Marie in getting the kitchen and bedroom together. We also had a group of guys who also had all our furniture moved over and in place within a few hours. This was in addition to the people who had helped us pack in the weeks leading up to our moving day, and the people who came in to clean our former home. Fantastic! It was such a fun day, made even better by the fact Marie's mom and sister drove out to be with us for a few days.

May 2nd - Marie, her mom (Nola), and sister (Emily) start painting Josiah's room and adjacent bathroom: Canucks blue, green and white! He's got the best looking room around! The painting is all completed by Monday, and the ladies also were able to get to spend some quality time with Josiah in the hospital.

May 5th - The hospital hosted a discharge party for Josiah so all the nurses and staff who have gotten to know Josiah along the way and cared for him were able to swing by and say their good-byes. Lots of cake, pictures and cuddles for our little man (OK, he just had some icing and no cake!). We also carted the last of his stuff out of the hospital room and our van was FULL!

May 6th - Josiah came home!! The day ended up being longer than we expected just because we had so many house and hospital errands to run, but we got everything into the van and apparently we appeared to be very organized (it was the second time in a week we had moved!)

Things were tricky because Josiah has SO MUCH STUFF and needs. Some of his supplies were ordered late or overlooked and we have been scrambling a little grabbing supplies from hospital to hold us over, but everything has come together really well. I think Purolator has come by our house already 6 times.

It was pretty surreal have Josiah in the house with us that first night. At the same time, it felt so natural and it 'fit'. Things went very smooth and Josiah has been absolutely stellar through it all. He's probably handled the transition better than his parents!

We are tired, but it an exhaustion based more on lack of sleep than anxiety and stress (which we have been living through for the last year). We give each other lots of grace since we've definitely had our grumpy moments this month! It feels more like being newborn parents and we've been loving it. Josiah always needs someone with him, but because he has two alarm systems (one on his ventilator and another on his oximeter) we can doze off in his room and know that we'll wake up if there are any problems. We also have a super-handy video monitor that we can take with us if we need to step out of his room for a moment.

Josiah's room is sweet (and we'll post some pictures here soon). The bed that was custom-made for him is amazing and we got a comfy recliner to doze off in throughout the night. Marie and I usually take shifts of 10PM-3AM, 3AM-10AM which has been going pretty well for us. The first week was full because our typical downtime through the day was spend on re-arranging furniture, emptying boxes, re-organizing - the typical moving in stuff that can drag on for months. But that is settling down now and it's easier for us to grab naps throughout the day as needed.

Like I mentioned before, Josiah has been doing great. We had his first clinic (hospital follow-up) yesterday and were able to have some of our questions answered and Josiah was looked over briefly. I honestly believe that clinic is more about checking up on the parents to make sure that they are doing fine and aren't too sleep-deprived than it is about the actual patient! Josiah had his first seizure in quite a while last night, but Marie was able to handle it and he eventually came out of it and was able to get a good night's sleep. Yesterday's events really broke up his routine and he had no nap at all, and that exhaustion led to his seizure. Other than than, no problems!

We have an amazing team of people at the hospital who will be following us and checking in every couple of weeks. We also have an equally amazing team of people who are taking care of Josiah on the home end of things, helping us order supplies, organizing nursing hours, and evaluating Josiah's needs and development. Further our church and family have been bringing over meals to help us get through this transition period. We are so blessed!

It appears that next week we'll finally have a few nights with nursing support. Because Josiah is on a ventilator, the nurses have to receive special training which takes place this week. We're excited to get to know these people who will be caring for our son! At the same time, it's going to be a great big learning curve figuring out what our life and home looks like with a nurse in Josiah's room for 8 hours a day (but that's usually going to be at night).

And Josiah continues to surprise us and show us new things. He did his first 'kissy face' on Mother's Day, but unfortunately he gave it dad and not mom! He also performed his 'toy transfer', grabbing his toy with his right hand and passing it to his left - awesome! He's definitely trying to so hard to roll over, and actually has been preferring to fall asleep on his stomach (a position we still have to help him get to).

He's also been loving the fact that he has his parents with him 24/7. The first few days he woke up in the middle of the night (probably because it was new environment and quieter) and he was so happy to see a parent there in the room with him that he refused to go back to sleep! I was able to take a week of holidays to help get adjusted, and today I'm back at work.

I'm sure there can be much more to say, but that's probably enough to go on for now. Thanks for all the prayers, love, thoughts, cheers, and support you've given us through this chapter of our life. You're welcome to continue following our journey as we are finally together as a family at home and discover our new norm. May God bless you all for your kindness!

In Joy!
- Andrew, Marie & Josiah


Anonymous said...

I was S-O-O-O very happy to see this new posting! Thanks for doing this Andrew. I am praising the Lord for His goodness in bringing everything together for your little family. You have had amazing courage and patience and now finally you are together in your own place. I have been praying that you would have strength throughout the move and I'm happy you have had so much support. Now take care of yourselves and enjoy your more "normal" life. God bless!
Still cheering you on ... with love and prayers ~ Bev J.

Corinne said...

Wow! So glad to hear that you are settling in at home. What an amazing answer to so many prayers! We continue to pray for you all everyday.

Leanne said...

I've been thinking of you all a lot, and am glad to hear that things are going well. I'm so happy you're all at home! I will continue to pray for strength for all.

Anonymous said...

YAE!! So good to hear the week went so well!
daniel and renee

Anonymous said...

You are on quite a journey! Thanks for faithfully keeping your blog readers up-to-date! So happy you are able to take Josiah home with you, and it is going well.

Tamara said...

So glad to hear that things are going well. You are definitely still in my prayers as you make adjustments. It's good to hear that you can finally be at home together.

sue baby said...

Good job guys! What a blessing. Thank You Lord!

Tara said...

I am so HAPPY for you guys!! How wonderful to have your precious baby home with you! We're still keeping you all in our prayers and we love you much!
Jacob and Joshiah will have to have a playdate one day!

Preston tara and Jake

Anonymous said...

Oh, you guys I am so glad to hear the first week went so smoothly, I hope that it will continue to go just as well now that you are back to work Andrew and the nursing support will start or have started. I can't imagine the relief of finally being in your own home together. Way to go you guys.


Ryan André said...

Hey dude,

Glad to finally see this post, I've been in suspense since our coffee last week. :)

Praise God it has all been working out. He is faithful! What a culmination of 15 months of prayer!

Know that the prayers won't stop bud. :)


Brad & Karen said...

Yeah Baby Josiah! Yeah Team Parents! It is so good to hear that your adjustment to homelife is working out and that all things are falling into place.
We are looking forward to more updates and can't wait to see Josiah's new bedroom!
Karen, Brad, Lauren, Dana
Delta, BC

dee said...

Hello! You do not know me, but I somehow stumbled upon your sight a while ago, and have following little Josiahs progress. I have 3 kids, and my youngest son has special needs. I have nurses in my home between 10-16 hours a day helping me take care of him. He was given a VERY grim prognosis at birth, but will be turning 3 soon....and is a joy to have around! I wish you all the best, and would love to "chat" with you if you have any questions/comments. Our blog is www.trentonstreasures.blogspot.com

Demara said...

Oh wow! There is so much happening in your lives (compared to ours) and I love hearing that you are getting settled into your new "norm" with Marie and Josiah minus everyone else you lived with the past year!

Having a child definitely seems to bring excitement to your life it seems.

P.S. I'm glad everything is going great (I hope it doesn't take you too long to get use to the new quiet.) and I posted the original picture to the one you guessed on, btw.

ashleyalvina said...

ah, fresh air.

Thanks so much to you both for being so diligent in updating us on your lives throughout the past year!!! I have been so blessed and so often pointed back to Christ just by reading your stories.

I echo the sentiment: I have been waiting with baited breath for this post (although my anticipation is obviously miniscule compared to yours!!!).
You are so loved!
Have an amazing day,