Thursday, March 1, 2007

Thursday Morning - A Josiah Update

Josiah had a rough night and wasn't doing good so at 7 this morning the doctors re-inserted a breathing tube. While last time they were able to do it on the first attempt, his insides were much more inflammed I guess so this time it took four attempts and Josiah was given some morphine to help. Josiah is now stable, resting, and was able to have his full feed and isn't on any IV. The doctors have stated that they will leave this tube in this time for a week or so before they consider removing it.

Marie and I are finding this difficult to take (as you can imagine), but it certainly hits Marie harder than I. We want to see milestones, we want to see progress, we want to see our boy able to breathe and not be dependant on a machine. But God say we live by faith not by sight and I am convinced that I have been able to live in that peaceful confidence these last two weeks. It hasn't been easy - both Marie and I have cried this morning - but I know God doesn't give life flippantly and that God is the sustainer of life: the rest are just details.

We ask that you continue to pray for us and for our Josiah. Pray that his airways and his whole resporatory and swallowing system will develop to where it needs to be so that he can breathe on his own. Pray that he may rest and heal and not be irritated or inflammable by the tube. Pray for Marie's strength, faith and perseverence through these days. Pray for our doctors and nurses who are doing the best they can for him.

Thanks for journeying with us through these uncertain days. God is a God of surprises and likes to work in unexpected ways: if you don't believe me (and you live in the Lower Mainland), look outside your window.

In God's wonderful Love.
- Andrew, Marie & Josiah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew,Marie and Josiah,
The whole staff at CLLC is rooting for you guys and have you in our thoughts as we progress through our day.

Josiah and Marie are the constant source of questions from patron who send their prayers and good thoughs to you three. Not to worry Fatty (Sorry can't resist haha) the old ladies are keeping you in their prayers and if any one can move mountains its the strength of those ladies!

I am praying for you all and wanted to share with you a verse my grandmather said kept her sane during the war, its the bessing for her marriage and the milestone that marked my confession of faith

Psalm 121 "I will lift up my eyes to the lord, from whence does my help come? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved, he will keep you when you slumber..You will need a bible to read on as I have forgotten the rest :)

Take this to heart and remeber the words to an old belssing I heard

"The lord bless thee, the lord keep thee, make his face to shine upon thee and be graciuos unto thee. The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace. Amen

that is my prayer for your family Marie, Andrew and Josiah. Lots of love and sorry for the ramble
