Hello All
Sorry, it's been a while since we've put some info up here. Josiah seems to have settled out from his toxic experience/hospital stay. The antibiotics appear to have cleared up his ear infection (yay!! thanks God!) and he's managing his secretions well. It feels like he has had a few more seizures than normal (the usual sleep-time tremors) and so we're going to have his medicine levels checked again to make sure they are not too low.
On the developmental side of things, Josiah is demonstrating better posture and body control - moving away from his floppy self which is so great to see! He's using both hands more, pushing and gaining arm strength, and he's chowing down on his bottles like never before. That's been a very exciting change, since we've been able to eliminate his 4:30AM and give him more to drink while he's awake through the day. That his body can handle it is a big testament to the fact his water retention issue is slowly being overcome. We're also grateful because his form-fitted chair was refited so that he's much more comfortable in it. Further, he's going to be upgrading to a new style of chair which can be attached to any regular chair! Woohoo! That will certainly make visiting and travelling easier.
Marie and I were talking this morning about how glad we able that Josiah shows that he can remember. It's something we can't take for granted since many special needs children need repetition before something is remembered. An example we talked about is one day when we held Josiah's hands in his chair and pulled him across the kitchen floor. He loved it, and the very next day when we held his hands again in that same chair he anticipated it (and started bracing for it!) before we even started pulling! God is good.
That'll do for now. Thanks for the prayer, love, and support.
- Andrew, Marie & Josiah
Wow, great to hear of Josiah's improvements and progress.
We were very excited this week when we borrowed the DVD from the Children's Starbucks and there was a great segment with you guys! Mark loaned us the copy.
Yeah Josiah, grow boy grow
Karen, Brad, Dana, Lauren
Karen, Brad, Lauren, Dana
North Delta
This is such an awesome post! Thanks for sharing about Josiah's progress. Praise the Lord!
Thinking of you and praying too...
Love, Bev
I'm here checking in. Glad to hear the news!
You know it's funny how many things that parents of a "typical" child take for granted or don't notice their children doing! Then theres those of us with special needs children who notice so much more of those little things in life and get such great joy out of the simple things!
So glad Josiah is doing well!
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