Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Josiah Update - January 31

Good Morning all

Just a short note to say, yup Josiah's sick. He started antibiotics about two days ago because his secretions were so thick that he was 'satting' low (his oxygen count was lower). It's a cold, maybe more like a chest infection. It gets a little tricky because one of his seizure meds (the one we're going to wean him off eventually!) can have a negative reaction with his 'go-to' antibiotic, so we have to be pretty strict on when it is given. He's been a trooper about it, a little grumpy or sleepy at times but most of the time he doesn't act sick and still has his appetite. If you could pray for his speedy recovery that would be great.

Recently we've experienced some change in Josiah's support staff. There may be some difficulty over the next few months as we adapt and make new arrangments, and we're sad because we really enjoyed working with these three individuals and they were amazing for our son. But it's an opportunity to connect with new people and we are confident that our son will continue to be taken care of well. If you could pray for that as you think of Josiah, we'd really appreciate it.

Grace & Peace.
- Andrew, Marie & Josiah

1 comment:

Bev J. said...

WOW! It's so good to read these updates! Josiah is really a miracle boy. He has come so far!! Thanks for sharing Marie. Yes, I will pray that the transition to new workers will go well and also that Josiah's ear infections will clear up.
Love, Bev (& Ross too).