Hello Folks
Just a short little blurb here to pass the time before I fall asleep in Josiah's room. Life has been pretty good here in the Haak household, busy busy busy but good. Josiah has had a good couple of weeks. His secretions are thicker and more frequent then in the summer (I may have mentioned that already in the last post), but that's probably a seasonal thing - autumn is just mean for people with traches because filters are never as good as the parts that God gave us. But he's a trooper and handling it mostly well, though there are some days when they are so thick that he screams because he is scared or has to throw up because he has ingested too much mucus (probably didn't want to hear that!)
Josiah is definitely strengthening his legs, to the point where he can push himself up from a crouched to a standing (if we're helping him balance himself). His seizures are minimal which is exactly what we wanted to see. He still gets the odd seizure, especially is he is really exhausted or on the cusp of getting sick, but it has become infrequent and quite managable, a big answer to prayer.
His airway is also getting much stronger. If there is a moment where he needs to 'do it on his own' without the ventilator, it doesn't even concern him - so AMAZING to see! We're excited to attempt at weaning him off the vent in the spring.
See, it was short!
Thanks for rooting for us and praying for us along the way.
- Andrew, Marie & Josiah
im a nurse, i can handle the puke stories!! thats pretty cool that he is starting to stand! do you guys have any plans of coming to the okanagan over the holidays?
that was renee and daniel and dexter who wrote that!
weaning off the vent? oh wouldn't that be something!!!
God do your thing!
You are a GREAT GOD yes you are!!!
We'd LOVE to get out the Okanagan anytime soon (and Alberta too for that matter), but we don't want to risk traveling the mountains (bad weather, getting stuck, worst case scenario, etc and so on ...)
We also haven't done any long distance driving with Josiah before, so we don't know how his body would respond to being a carseat for more than 90 minutes, something we hope to take on next year so that we can actually leave the Lower Mainland!! :D
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