Greetings to All
This blog is certainly due for an update, though I get the sense it will be more of an update on us that Josiah specifically.
Josiah continues to do well. After having the cold a week (2 weeks? ... my mind is fuzzy with details...) ago he had a brief bout of 'trachitis', an upper airway infection which he got over in a couple of days without antibiotics. He's been back on the bottle over the last few days and still enjoys it!
Marie's mom and sister have come out to visit and help us with the move into our condo. The move on Thursday went super-smooth due to all the support we got from family and friends within our church! Just a huge blessing to have so many people lend their time and energy to us in that way.
Marie and her family are working on painting Josiah's room today (as my aunt said earlier, pink is just not a boy's colour!) It's going to take us a while to get used to the city traffic and 'condo noise' but it's starting to feel more like home and less like a hotel (this is coming from a guy who's lived in the country all his life).
Josiah is still scheduled for discharge on Tuesday, with a going away party on Monday in the hospital. We've gone over the house assessment with our community nurse coordinator and everything is good-to-go, but Marie and I will probably be without nursing support for 2+ weeks because no one is trained yet. So pray for our safety and sanity! Thankfully, a support team is coming together really well so within a month hopefully we'll be well taken care of. A big blessing: we've been approved for 48 hours/week of Community Life/respite care funding, meaning we have money to pay qualified 'babysitters' - Woohoo!
Thanks for all the prayers and the love. I'm not entirely sure when we'll have internet hooked up in our house, so next week (since I'm off work) may be lean on blog entries - my apologies in advance!
- Andrew, Marie & Josiah
good to hear the move is going so well! have fun painting and decorating Josiah's room! this is very exciting to see that Josiah finally gets to go home and experience life outside the hospital!! praying everything gets organized for the big homecoming on tuesday!
Daniel and Renee
God's blessings as you all move into your new home. We will continue to pray that all goes well for you.
Love Sue
What an exciting time for all three of you!! We hope you're enjoying Josiah's going away party at the hospital as we speak (type). The TCU nurses are going to miss you!! Glad to hear the move to your new condo went smoothly, and that you have such an awesome support network in Abbotsford. We know the two of you will do a fantastic job with Josiah over the next couple of weeks while you are waiting for a trained nurse to assist you. We think of you often. Love Erin, Tim & Emily :)
Hi Andrew, Marie & Josiah ~ Praise the Lord that this week has finally arrived and Josiah is on his way home. I'm so glad that Marie's Mom and sister were able to come out to help you get his room ready.
I am praying for you as always and trusting in the Lord for everything during this transition time to go smoothly.
Love, Bev J.
Oh I'm so glad that you are getting settled into your condo. I totally understand the noisyness of traffic and close neighbors. I will pray it's not too noisy for Josiah, so he can sleep fine during the night.
Horray for Government funding, and the Babysitter support I pray you receive soon!
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