Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday Evening - A Josiah Update

Hey Out There ...

The next two days are big ones for the Haak clan. For the next two nights (Friday and Saturday) Marie and I are going to be the sole care-providers for Josiah as we participate in our 'Care By Parent Weekend'. We'll be given a room upstairs in the hospital and we will be without nursing the support the entire time to prepare us for what home care will be like. Pray for us as we work out the kinks, discover what works and doesn't, and figure out on-the-fly what going home will really be like!

God's Peace.
-Andrew, Marie & Josiah


Anonymous said...

Wow! Kind of nerve-racking and yet so exciting. We'll be praying for you. Love Mom

Kathy said...

Go Parents!! I'm praying you will enjoy this first weekend. What a great concept to have this time before heading home for real. Blessings on you. Praying this exciting challenge goes very well.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys
What an exciting time. I am sure that you will enjoy the alone time and independence to see what it is really like...I know we looked forward to the time where we didn't always have the input from others and had to do it on our own. One more step towards going home. Congratulations and we will be thinking about you. I am sure that all will go well and you will know just what to do. It will give you the added confidence that you need to get on your way home. You are always in our thoughts.
Luv Daleste Blair and Hayden.
PS Seen Marie on the news...what a fabulous job. And Josiah looked wonderful too.

Anonymous said...

You two will do just fine. Your love for Josiah is amazing and I'm glad you'll have the opportunity to be with him in this way.

You'll be in our thoughts and prayers as always. God is good.


Bev J.

Anonymous said...

that is exciting news! nobody knows Josiah better then you guys! we'll pray that all goes well!
love daniel and renee

sue baby said...

Wow! Exciting and scary at the same time. Will be praying for you and know that God will guide you.

Love Sue

Anonymous said...

Not a day goes by that we don't think of the three of you. We are truly excited - one more milestone in the journey to coming HOME! Baby steps one day at a time is still my motto.
Hugs and prayers all round,
Love Eileen and Doug Gunn(Haydens grandparents)
ps sound like the condo is very nice

Anonymous said...

This is so great Marie and Andrew, wow. I can't believe over a year has gone by already. I check in often to see how the journey is going. I'm sure you guys will be great this weekend, can't wait to hear how it goes.


Jenny said... did the parent weekend go for you guys?