Sunday, March 4, 2007

A Wee Bit Later Saturday Night - A Josiah Update

Just got off the phone with my Marie!

So, here's the latest on our little fella: Josiah had a good day! He had less secretions today (WooHoo! An answer to prayer!) and the secretions were clear rather than than a tinge of yellow or green (which he had before, the reason for his antibiotics). Further, Josiah for the second day has put on some weight (way to go, big guy!) and his hemoglobin count is normal also (there was a small concern that he was looking a little pale and so the doctors ran a blood test on him, but he's good to go).

So I'm extremely encouraged. Marie had a good day with him which is such a relief and a joy all at once.

Thanks for all the prayers everyone! Have a wonderful Sunday morning! I'll try to post an update Sunday evening sometime (if I'm not too caught up being in my boy's presence!)
- Andrew, Marie, & Josiah

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