Friday, March 2, 2007

Friday Afternoon - A Josiah Update

Greetings Everyone

I'm back in Vancouver and just checked in our boy. Josiah seems to be peaceful. Marie got to hold him last night for 2 hours (woohoo!) so I'm pretty excited for both of them. There was a little concern today because at one point he had accomulated so much secretions in his mouth (saliva) that his heart rate dropped a little; but the nurses suctioned him and stimulated him a little (rubbed his belly) and he was good to go.

I don't think I mentioned this earlier, but next Wednesday when the doctors plan to remove the tube, they are also going to scope Josiah's throat a second time. They will be prepping him for the OR (operating room) and will be prepared to do some repairing if the scope reveals anything (ie maybe the doctors missed something key during their first look down his throat, or maybe he has some scar tissue that is obstructed his breathing which will require some laser surgery, etc).

Marie and I are all OK with all of this. We are so glad that we are at the best hospital in BC and have the best doctors and technicians looking out for our boy.

Thanks for all your prayers. My parents still out here visiting with us which is so nice. I'll be driving back into Abbotsford tomorrow morning to work in the office and to head out to a Chilliwack Bruins game with the youth.

We turn away to face the cold, enduring chill
As the day begs the night for mercy love

In God's Goodness.
- Andrew, Marie & Josiah

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