Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Wednesday Night - A Josiah Update

Hello Everyone

We need your prayers. For the last two hours at least Josiah has had a really hard time breathing on his own. His sats and resps are up there, but so is his heart rate because he is working so hard. We just need you to pray so much for our guy, that his breathing will no longer be constricted. He's getting a feeding right now which will help him settle a little (and be less cranky), but its obvious that breathing is taking a lot of work. If breathing continues to be this difficult, Josiah will tire out and a breathing tube will be inserted again. It's a vicious cycle he is in (can't breathe on his own because the tube causes irritation) and we know that God can bring him out of this.

Marie is wasted. She trainwreck of emotion and can't take this yo-yo stuff anymore and has left to sleep. This is the earliest she has gone to bed in months. Please pray for her. For the strength, energy, courage and faith to face whatever this week and lifetime might bring.

I'm not going to be leaving Josiah's side tonight (or at least for a long time).

In God's awesome Peace & Grace.
- Andrew, Marie, & Josiah

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Give Marie my love.
Dear God we lift little josiah up to you. We trust that your will will be done. We pray for his ability to breath properly and on his own. God we pray for Andrew and Marie and that you will give them the strength to perservere. We ask this in your name
Andrew I will try Marie in the am I really want to talk to her and let her know I love her.