Friday, October 1, 2010

Hmmm ... How Did I Miss That?

So ... just reviewed my recent blogs and I realized two things: first, we haven't talked much about our soon-to-be-here baby; and second, I don't we ever mentioned here that we know we're having a baby girl!

Marie is due October 25th and we're rounding the home stretch as weeks are going to soon become days. This week she has been throwing us a bit of a scare (which has prompted me to leave this note) ... and it's not hard for Mommy and Daddy to crank the paranoia up to 11! 

During two check-ups this week our baby girl has had an irregular heartbeat, and so Marie's been booked to have an ultrasound on Monday to take a closer look at her. This is a recent development and quite unexpected since her heart looked very healthy at her first ultrasound (we had cardiologists and others confirm that), so it is possible that there may be a small hole in heart that hasn't yet closed up. 

Hopefully Monday results will alleviate our paranoia and reveal what's going on. If you could pray for our *PEACE* and for our little girl's health we'd be deeply grateful!

Trusting and Waiting
- Andrew & Marie


afterthoughtcomposer said...

will do will do! I literally can't wait to meet her :)

Jolene said...

Praying for you both and baby to be! How exciting to have your first baby girl:)

Enns' said...

We're on it!! Hope that the ultrasound will show everything to be fine! *hugs*

Jessica Thiessen said...

We're praying for all three of you!!! We love you guys!

-Jess & Trent

Shawna said...

Praying for you!!! Love you guys, can't wait to see you this weekend :)