Monday, October 4, 2010

Baby Ultrasound - Quick Notes

The day didn't go according to plan, but thankfully Marie still got in for her appointment! After waiting all day, some computer issues, lots of phone calls, mixed up communication, mis-filing and what not, Marie's requisition was finally found at the hospital and they brought her in with little wait.

From everything that we could see our baby girl looks very health: chubby cheeks, right size and weight, good bone development, active, in the right position and so on. The placenta and fluid also looks good, so now we'll have to wait a day or two for the doctors to review the images to see if anything stands out. Because she is so far along in development, it was impossible to get a good look at her heart (bone density created 'shadows' over the organs).

So at this point this is what we have: no visible concerns but no answers for the irregular heartbeat. Marie has another NST (non-stressed test) schedule for Wednesday and we'll how baby girl sounds then.

Thanks for your prayers! We are relieved to know to that there is no physical issues to be seen, but are still a little anxious to know what the irregular heartbeat is all about. My hunch is that we're not going to come to any answer and are going to have to wait this one out of the next few weeks until baby girl comes!

Many blessings
- Andrew & Marie


Leanne said...

So glad Marie got in for the ultra sound... was thinking of you guys all day! Still praying...

Slum full circle said...

Lovely little baby, my prayer remain with you

Leanne Marie said...

Not that this will make you guys feel any less worried. A nurse who works on labour and delivery in Kamllops said babies often have irregular heart beats and that can be normal. Anyways we love you guys and are praying lots and look forward to hearing she has cone when the rime is right.

Andrew said...

Leanne: yeah, we know it's a pretty normal thing. The docs have been doing a little extra for us because they know our history / concern ... and I think they are also a little anxious to avoid complications :) but yes, this is fairly common and we're 'at a good spot' as far as this goes.